Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Acid Base Disorders

Body pH plays a vital role in maintenance of your body’ many intricate systems. pH scale is used to measure Acidity & Alkalinity of your body. Any element with a pH below 7.0 is acid, while any substance with a above 7.0 is alkaline. The ideal pH range for the human body is between 6.0 and 6.8 which is slightly acid. Body with pH 6.3 is considered on the acidic side & pH above 6.8 is considered on the alkaline side.

You can take pH test to determine your own body pH. This test will determine whether your body fluids are either too acidic or too alkaline. Always perform the test either before you eat or at least one hour after eating. If your test indicates that your body is too acidic, consult the recommendations for Acidosis.

In Acid Base Disorder body chemistry is imbalanced and overly acidic. Symptoms of acid base disorder (acidosis) include frequent sighting, insomnia, water retention, recessed eyes, arthritis, migraine headache, abnormally low blood pressure, acid or strong perspiration, dry hard stools, foul smelling stools accompanied by a burning sensation in the anus, alternating constipation and diarrhea, difficulty swallowing, halitosis, a burning sensation in the mouth and / or under the tongue, sensitivity of the teeth to vinegar and acidic fruits, and bumps on the tongue or the roof of the mouth.

There are two classifications of acidosis: respiratory and metabolic

1. Respiratory acidosis is caused by an interruption of the acid control of the body and results in an overabundance of acidic fluids or the depletion of alkali. Simply put, it occurs if the lungs are unable to remove carbon dioxide. Respiratory acidosis can be a result of asthma, bronchitis, or obstruction of the airway. It can be mild or severe.

2. Metabolic acidosis is caused by chemical changes in the body which disturb the acid-base balance. This results in an excessive amount of acid in the body fluids. Diabetes mellitus, kidney failure, the use of unusually large amounts of aspirin and metabolic diseases are some of the conditions that can deplete the body's alkaline base. Other contributing factors can include liver and adrenal disorders, stomach ulcers, improper diet, malnutrition, obesity, ketosis, anger, stress, fear, anorexia, toxemia, fever and the consumption of excessive amounts of niacin and vitamin C.

To get full curriculum on Practical Approach to Acid-Base Disorders visit Professor EBM & get study material on internal medicine curriculum

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